Elimination of sexual ignorance in a country where there is no sex
Do you like sex? But what do you know about it?
Elimination of sexual ignorance in a country where there is no sex

Do you like sex?
But what do you know about it?
Sexprosvet is a place for multidisciplinary talks and open communication around topics associated with challenging and seductive "forbidden fruit".
Moscow provides dozens of high-quality educational events to its citizens weekly, giving them a possibility to learn about different life spheres (science, technology, business, art, etc) in a relaxing and friendly atmosphere.
A lot of lectures, workshops, fests and camps provide a great possibility to build up a competent and comprehensive dialog about very important, or at least extremely interesting things.
But what about sexuality?
A natural, and at the same time incredibly exciting and problematic, sphere of human activity has become out in the open, with honest and intellectual discourse in the post-soviet landscape.
Rare attempts to talk about "this" was limited to efforts of various authors, magazines and organizers of several events focused on narrow topics.
Sexprosvet is an endeavor of group of people working in different spheres such as advertising, fundamental research in life and social sciences, startups, medicine, and art to boost the discourse about sexuality up to the level on which biotechnology, artificial intelligence, financial markets, space research, economics and cultural studies are discussed in a modern Russia.
SEXPROSVET are the regular cultural and educational events for modern people who are not ashamed of their knowledge and not afraid of their desires.
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